Index to the Headright and Bounty Grants in Georgia from 1756-1909, Revised Edition


Most of the land in the eastern portion of Georgia was distributed to settlers as Headright grants; the amount of the land given to a person (family) was based upon household size. The act for distributing this land allowed a man to take up to 200 acres upon his own headright, plus an additional 50 acres upon the head of each member of his family and limited any grant to 1000 acres. Based on legislation passed during the Revolutionary War, BOUNTY lands were granted to both veterans and patriots, the later being citizens who had not molested their neighbors families or property, refugees who had served in militia companies outside of the state, militiamen of the state, men who had served in militia companies and to residents who did not leave the state or remove their property in the last eleven months of the Revolution (1781-1782).

The information in this index shows: FIRST - the name of the person who received the grant; SECOND - the county in which the grant was located; THIRD - the book in which the grant is recorded; FOURTH - the page in the grant book; FIFTH - the number of acres in the grant, SIXTH - the year the grant was dated. From the information found herein, one can begin to determine the size of an ancestor's family at the date the grant was issued. A BOUNTY grant shows only the words ON BOUNTY written under the grant. It is not proof of military service, since ordinary citizens also received bounties for not leaving the state during the Revolution. In 1909 the Land Office Acts were repealed and the state granted no more land. This long awaited out-of-print volume contains the names of over 61,000 persons who received grants of land between 1756 and 1909. This reprint includes over 1,000 names that had been omitted from the original manuscript of 1970.

Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

(1970), 2006, cloth, 786 pp.

ISBN: 9780893080174
