War of 1812 Virginia Bounty Land and Pension Applicants


The extracted biographical data on the War of 1812 bounty land warrant and pension applications found here is taken from the file jackets located at the National Archives. All applicants were in some way connected with Virginia or West Virginia, either by military service, residence, or by having married or died there. In addition to the name of the applicant, the data includes some or all of the following: date and place of death, spouse's name, date and place of marriage, date and place of spouse's death, and last known residence of the veteran or his surviving spouse. The data provided on the jackets was much more complete for surnames beginning with A-H than for I-Z.

Patrick G. Wardell

(1987), 2007, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 408 pp.

ISBN: 9781556130557
