Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy, Volume 11, Number 3, November 2002-December 2002


Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy focuses on the history and genealogy of the Tidewater Virginia counties of Caroline, Charles City, Elizabeth City, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Richmond, Northumberland, Warwick, Westmoreland and York will be explored. President Harry S. Truman, Corrections and Clarification of His Virginia Lineage; John Chandler, 1610 Immigrant and Some of His Descendants: Part V; Elizabeth City County Levy, 1772; The American Museum Publication, 1789, Subscribers, Tidewater Virginia; Family Records Kept by William Hay (1748-1825) of Williamsburg, Prince George County, City of Richmond and Frederick County; Will of Thomas Ware, 1822, King William County; Bond:  Robert Robb to Managers of William and Mary Lottery, 1807; A Day in Court, Essex County, May 1774; Henrico County Deeds, 1750-1774 (Deed Book 1767-1774).

Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis

2002, 6" x 8.5, paper, index, 68 pp.

ISSN: 1061-8678
