Naturalization Records in Sonoma County, California, Volume II, 1906-1930 (OOP)


The first naturalization act was passed in 1790, but the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization was not established until 1906. In Sonoma County, the earliest naturalization records date from 1841, and consist of both declarations of intention and petitions for naturalization. Prior to 1906, 6,600 persons had applied for naturalization in Sonoma County.

This volume, arranged alphabetically in table format, contains information gleaned from approximately 3,400 naturalization documents beginning in 1906. It is divided into 6 sections: I. - name of immigrant, age, residence, occupation, birth date and birthplace; II. - name of immigrant, emigration from, arrival date, arrival port/place, ship, renunciation, and last foreign address; III. - name of immigrant, date of first continuous residence in US, date of first continuous residence in California, declaration date, declaration place, date final papers signed by the court, date of admission/denial and comments; IV. - name of immigrant's spouse, birth date, birthplace, residence, marriage place, marriage date; V. - number of immigrant's children, names of children, birth dates and birthplaces of children, residence of children; and VI. - name of witness, occupation and residence. The Witness section is augmented by a witness surname index cross-referenced to the immigrant. Abbreviations used for nationality have been listed to aid researchers in interpreting this treasure trove of data.

Sonoma County [California] Genealogical Society

(2001), 2010, 8.5" x 11", paper, alphabetical, 612 pp.

ISBN: 9780788419683
