Revolutionary Patriots of Baltimore Town and Baltimore County (Maryland), 1775-1783


This book identifies those who served in the army, navy, signers of oaths and non-signers. It contains vital statistics from eighty-four different sources; data on 12,000 men and women. "This book is far more than just a list of names, for careful research has been made to obtain genealogical data for many of those named. Data can vary from just one line to a full page, depending on the information at hand, and the prominence of the individual. In the case of officers, in a large majority of cases, it has been possible to establish the dates of their commissions, their promotions, their resignations, their companies, their pay certificates, their bounty lands, their dates of birth, death and marriage, and the names of their wives and children. Similar data is also included for the rank and file soldier, but all too frequently the only information available is the name on a muster or pay roll." Entries are arranged alphabetically. A full-name index completes this work.

Henry C. Peden, Jr.

(1988, 2003), 2012, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, alphabetical, 424 pp.

ISBN: 9781585491070
