Annapolis, Maryland: Its Colonial and Naval Story, With Selections from Diaries and Private Letters


This work is primarily a history of Annapolis prior to the Civil War, although there are two chapters which deal with the war and the period following it. Some sample chapter headings are: A Puritan Settlement in a Catholic Colony; A City of Wealth and Fashion; Clubs, Theaters and Literature; Some Tory Families and Their Homes; The Three Signers of the Declaration of Independence and Their Annapolis Homes; Stamp Act Riots and the "Peggy Stewart" Tea Party; Lafayette and Rochambeau in Annapolis, 1781; Washington Visits Annapolis; Fort Severn Becomes the Naval Academy; The Civil War and "Ben" Butler Reach Annapolis. Very attractively illustrated with drawings and photographs.

Walter B. Norris

(1925), 2008, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 366 pp.

ISBN: 9781556132230
