Accomack County, Virginia Court Order Abstracts, Volume 14: 1719-1724


Accomack County's fourteenth book of court orders covers just over five years, beginning in June of 1719 and ending in July of 1724. The introduction to this volume spotlights a selection of the more interesting, revealing or unfortunate incidents found among the court orders issued during those years. These pages comprise a fascinating collection of accounts of assault, fornication and adultery, theft, property disputes and wills, disorderly conduct, drunkenness—truly a representative sampling of legal transgressions in a Colonial community. Much can be learned about our Virginia ancestors' values as a society by examining their management of a wide array of public concerns, such as orphans, the elderly and infirm, inter-racial couplings, crime, businesses, religious observance, mills, roads, taxes, public and private property and more. This chronological collection of court orders is attractively presented and includes a full-name plus subject index. "In wills and deeds the genealogist can learn about his ancestors' relatives and possessions; in court orders he can learn about his ancestors."

JoAnn Riley McKey

(2001), 2012, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 266 pp.

ISBN: 9780788417573
