Originally created in 1726 and modified somewhat since, Windham County now occupies the northeast corner of Connecticut. This territory became known to the English at the first settlement of Connecticut in 1635-6, but was not actually settled by colonists for another half-century. The first transfer of land from its Indian proprietors to an English purchaser was in 1653. With the spread of religion among the Indians came the spread of colonization, and the development of the modern county. This volume covers the years 1676 to 1760. The section headed 1676-1726 includes Nipmuck and Mohegan land transfers, Roxbury's colony, New Roxbury, Woodstock, Indian troubles, Joshua's tract, Windham, Ponde-town, Scotland settlement, Canada parish, Quinebaug, Peagscomsuck, Plainfield, Canterbury, Aspinock, Killingly, Chestnut Hill, Quinnatisset, Mashamoquet, Mortlake, Pomfret, Blackwell's Tract, Adams' Tract, Ashford, Voluntown and other topics. The section headed 1726-1746 describes growth of and additions to many of the above places, development of courts, churches, schools, roads, libraries, controversies, a wolf-hunt, organizations, and so on. The section headed 1740-1760 includes Wheelock's Tour, Imprisonment of Elisha Paine, Collision with Yale College, Clevelands arraigned and censured, separation of towns, church matters, Woodstock's revolt, disturbances in Ashford, Windham's Frog Fright, the French and Indian War, and further details of the towns above mentioned. The original surname index includes about 400 names.
Ellen D. Larned
(1874), 2008, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 596 pp.
ISBN: 9780788409592