This series preserves important early history of western Massachusetts. Volume I consists mainly of the colonial history of the area, but it does extend down through Shay's Rebellion, the War of 1812, and initial efforts at industrial development. The final third of this volume is concerned with geology, agriculture, railroads, newspapers, and educational institutions. Volume II contains histories of the one hundred towns which made up the four counties in 1855. The names of the residents are now made accessible by the addition of an every-name index to each volume. Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881) was a native of Belchertown, Massachusetts. He was founder and editor of Scribner's Monthly, an editor for the Springfield Republican, and wrote extensively, including histories, novels, and poetry. This important reference is cited in the Harvard Guide to American History.
Josiah Gilbert Holland
(1855), 2009, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 546 pp.
ISBN: 9780788450327