Index of Death Notices and Marriages Notices appearing in the Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 1827-1881 [2 volumes]


This volume is divided into two sections, death notices and marriage notices. Both sections are arranged alphabetically by last name. The marriages are entered under both the bride's and groom's names. Included in the introductory material are Reported Death Totals for Cincinnati (1828-1881), list of Cincinnati cemeteries in 1850 (name and address), list of Revolutionary War Soldiers (as mentioned in obituaries), members of the Pioneer Association of Cincinnati in 1858, and a list of marriage licenses issued by Gov. St. Clair from November 1795 to May 1796.

Jeffrey G. Herbert

(1992), 2007, 8.5" x 11", paper, 2 volumes, 854 pp.

ISBN: 9781556137556
