And Birth, Marriage, and Census Records, Roanoke City, Virginia
The author has amassed a bounty of information about Wrights in southern Virginia. This volume contains appendices to Sorting Some of the Wrights of Southern Virginia: Birth Records, 1853 to 1896; Marriage Records, 1838 to 1900; Personal Property Tax Lists, 1838 to 1850; Census Records, 1840 to 1900; Deed Records, 1838 to 1900; Land Tax Lists, 1838 to 1850; Death Records, 1853 to 1920; Cemetery Records by Cemetery; and Probate Records, 1838 to 1920, Roanoke County, Virginia; and, Birth Records, 1884 to 1896; Marriage Records, 1884 to 1910; and 1900 Census Records of Roanoke City, Virginia. These appendices present source records for persons named Wright by county and by type of record with the identification of the person named and their Wright ancestor to the extent known. The identification of a person or their ancestor by year and county indicates their year of death and county of residence at death. If no state is listed after the county, the state is Virginia; counties in states other than Virginia will have a state listed after the county.
Robert N. Grant
2016, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 436 pp.
ISBN: 9780788456633