The Essex Genealogist, Volume 24, 2004


This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists. Recurring highlights of the journals include the "TEG Feature Article," "It Happened in Essex County" (local history), "Tools of the Trade" (advice on genealogical resources), "The Ahnentafel" (family generational charts), "Research in Progress," "Umbilical Line," and "Genealogical Queries." While there is enough general information and advice included to make this book valuable for anyone interested in genealogy, those with genealogical interest specific to Essex County, Massachusetts, could not hope for a better resource. Just a few of the many articles in this volume include: TEG Feature Articles: "New Hampshire Ancestors," "Genetics and Genealogy," "Social Sciences at the Boston Public Library," "Shaker Families;" Research in Progress: "The Stevens Family of Andover," "Who is Sarah Haggett Wife of John of Bradford," "Jacob Parker," "Samuel Hunt of Ipswich;" It Happened in Essex County: "Wenham: A Shaky Start;" Moments in History: "1775 February 26, (Sunday)," "April 1813," "Salem 1630," "375th Anniversary of First Church in Salem." Other family names featured in this volume include: Ebenezer Bray, Sarah Estebrook, and Hannah Adams. Charming illustrations, maps and a full name index augment the text.

Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc.

(2004), 2007, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 256 pp.

ISBN: 9780788445149
