The History of Kings County, Nova Scotia [Canada], Heart of the Acadian Land [2 volumes]


Giving a Sketch of the French and Their Expulsion: and a History of the New England Planters Who Came in their Stead, With Many Genealogies, 1604-1910

In 1755, the French residents of Kings County were forcibly deported and a new population of families from New England, including over thirty thousand Loyalists, took up residence in their stead. It is with these successors "...and their institutions and their deeds that the volume here introduced will be found chiefly to deal." The first portion of this work covers: Kings County; the Micmac Indians; the Acadian French; the expulsion of the Acadians; the settlement of Cornwallis and Horton by New England planters; the townships of Aylesford, Parrsborough, Kentville, Wolfville, Canning, Berwick and other places; county government with listings of public officials; roads and dyke building; industry; architecture; domestic life; religion and churches; education; literature; politics; county militia; and significant events. The second half of this book is devoted to genealogical sketches, grouped by family name and containing birth, death, marriage and offspring information for male descendants, as well as biographical sketches of significant figures. A chronological list of important events, a list of the population at different periods (1763-1901), lists of land grantees within several chapters, and an index of subjects and full names add to the value of this work.

Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton

(1910, 1999), 2013, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 2 volumes, indices, 898 pp.

ISBN: 9780788413339
