The Virginia Regimental Histories Series: 5th Virginia Cavalry, 1st edition


"This series is dedicated to the men who served in Virginia Units during the War Between the States. It is the purpose of this series to preserve, as part of our heritage, the deeds and sacrifices of these men."

This detailed history of two regiments called the 5th Cavalry is filled with excerpts from diaries and letters, which give readers a first-hand account of events and the experiences of those who served. The narrative is enhanced by maps and a gallery of vintage photographs, as well as Data on the Revolving Cannon, Strength of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry, Non Battle Losses Fifth Virginia Cavalry, a list of Officers of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry, and Casualties in 5th Virginia Cavalry (location and date with KIA/WIA/POW/MIA).

The alphabetically arranged muster roll entries for the 5th Virginia Cavalry (1861-1862 and 1862-1865) vary in length and may include (as available): full name, rank and regiment, date of birth, occupation (pre-war), age, date and place of enlistment, significant dates and places while serving, date of discharge/release/AWOL/WIA/DOW/KIA, date and place of death, and place of burial.

Some entries list a physical description, education, transfers, promotions, capture, type of injury, name(s) of relative(s), and/or other related information. Records of hospitalization, prisoner of war, clothing and equipment receipts, valuation of horses, and other miscellaneous material are included in each man's file. … The roster has been supplemented by postwar rosters, pension applications, county histories, county marriage and death records, UDC and UCV records, cemetery listings, family genealogies and papers, family Bible records, newspaper accounts and obituaries. … Each soldier's record of service is arranged chronologically from place and date of birth to place and date of death and cemetery where buried. Postwar careers have been included when available. Where date of death differs, tombstone data was used.

A bibliography adds to the value of this work.

Robert J. Driver, Jr.

(1997), 2023, 6" x 9", paper, alphabetical, 288 pp.

ISBN: 9780788430336
