CD-An Alphabetical Guide to Certain War Office and Other Military Records by the Public Record Office


"This work has been called an alphabetical guide rather than an index, because it does not claim to deal exhaustively with the series of documents with which it is concerned. It has been compiled from various classes of official records…The documents thus drawn upon belong mainly to the archives of the War Office, but analogous material has also been consulted among the records of the State Paper Office, the Colonial Office and the Home Office. It has been arranged in two parts, general and regimental…The arrangement of part i (the General Index) is alphabetical as to its main headings…Information of a personal nature is indexed under the name of the individual concerned. But references to an individual in connexion with his official position, e.g., as a commanding officer in a campaign or as governor of a territory, are entered under such campaign, territory or the like…In part ii (the Regimental Index) the several regiments and arms of the service have been arranged in the order of their latest…title or designation. In order to facilitate identification in this part of the index two appendices have been prepared, which show the relationship, if any, between older and subsequent formations. This Regimental Index, with its appendices, thus has an independent historical value, dealing, as it does, not only with surviving regiments, but also with those which existed during or after the seventeenth century and have since been brought to an end, and with the colonial corps, the foreign corps in British pay and the fencible, militia, yeomanry and volunteer forces of the crown."

The Public Record Office [UK]

(1931), 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Searchable, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 540 pp.

ISBN: 9780788444678
