CD-An Ordinary of Arms, Contained in the Public Register of all Arms and Bearings in Scotland


"Although the Scottish School of Heraldry has been called the simplest in the world, yet there are arms in the following pages which reveal some rich curiosities." More than just an interesting design, a coat-of-arms is composed of separate designs, each with its own individual significance. This valuable research guide contains arms (recorded in the Lyon Register) indexed by their component parts, so that the family of an unnamed coat-of-arms can be ascertained. Each entry includes a description of the coat-of-arms, the holder's name, and the registration date. This book opens with a brief history of heraldry in Scotland (with a detailed account of the Lyon Register), and concludes with an original full name plus subject index that lists entry numbers instead of page numbers to facilitate research.

Sir James Balfour Paul, Lord Lyon Kings of Arms

(1893, 1903), 2005, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 454 pp.

ISBN: 9780788419829
