CD-Boston Newsletter and Massachusetts Gazette Advertisement Index, 1704-1776


Contains an advertisement index to the weekly newspaper. The Boston Newsletter was first published in 1704 and ceased publication in 1776, shortly before the evacuation of British troops from Boston. This index contains approximately 10,000-12,000 entries listing individuals, corporate entities, shop signs, taverns, ships, churches, etc. Entries frequently include employment and address information, together with a summary of other interesting details that can be gleaned from the text of the ads. A directory has been prepared for users who are interested in knowing which individuals listed in the index followed certain professions (such as goldsmiths, ship captains, medical doctors) or who fell into other categories (such as run-away servants or insolvent debtors). More than 150 categories are included in the directory.

Andrew W. Pollock III

2001, CD-ROM, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 3709 pp.

ISBN: 9780788416996
