CD-An Index to Signatures of Deposit for the Freedman's Savings and Loan Bank, 1865-1869, for the State of Mississippi


Columbia, Natchez and Vicksburg (Mississippi)

Now available on CD-ROM! This book indexes records of the Freedman's Savings and Loan Bank, which was begun after the Civil War to provide black Union troops with a place to deposit their wages and bounties. It consists of three indices of Registers of Signatures of Depositors, one for each of the three branch offices in Mississippi: Columbia, Natchez and Vicksburg. More than 7,000 African Americans can be located within these indices. Each entry includes account number, surname, given name, place of birth, place of residence, race, and a notation as to whether more information is available in the original record. The actual Registers of Signatures of Deposit for the Freedman's Savings and Loan Bank may also include the following information: date of entry, place raised, age, complexion, name of spouse, names of children, name of father, name of mother, names of brothers and sisters, and more. The compilers of this index are members of the African American Genealogical and Historical Society of Chicago and have been researching Mississippi families for ten years. They are active in several national, state and local societies and have been published in several genealogical journals.

The book is presented as graphic images, so the user sees the works just as they were originally published. They are intended to look and function very much like "real" books, i.e., the user looks for entries of interest in the table of contents or index, and then turns to the page cited and scans it for the desired information. Numerous electronic bookmarks have been added which make it easy to navigate through the book.

Nettie Nesbary, Betty Craft, Lettie Sabbs and Karen Massey

1999, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 134 pp.

ISBN: 9780788412639
