This three-volume set contains a comprehensive history of the von Cramm and Cram families in Germany, Great Britain, Canada and the United States over eight centuries and twenty-three generations. More than 200,000 family members are included.
The text follows Cram family lines generation by generation. Organized chronologically, it begins with the "oldest" family members; every person bearing the family name whom the author could connect is included. Thus researchers with an interest in the German, English or American branches of the family will be able to trace relatives through male ancestors to the thirteenth century.
Entries follow a numbering system to aid researchers. Information provided ranges from the "bare facts" of birth, death and marriage dates and places to details of the subject's occupation, title, accomplishments, possessions, military and civil service, and more. All sources are cited; and each volume contains its own index.
The author, who has spent twenty-five years researching this collection, is a tenth-generation member of the Cram family in America.
Volume Three chronicles three American generations of the Cram family in modern times, from the early 19th century to the present. Included are entries for many living family members, the result of fifteen years' worth of correspondence between the author and related families. This volume contains a comprehensive bibliography of sources consulted during research for all three volumes. An every-name index makes finding people easy!
Michael Cram
(1996), 2021, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 164 pp.
ISBN: 9780788404603